Cedar chips and pine shavings should not be used as bedding for small pets, such as guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits.
Cedar and pine contain aromatic hydrocarbons which can be harmful to small animals. When inhaled, these oils can irritate the respiratory system and cause respiratory issues such as sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. Additionally, the oils can also cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

Aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, recycled paper, or straw are safe for small animals. They are soft, absorbent, and do not contain any harmful chemicals or oils.

It's important to note that it's not just the bedding but the litter you should avoid using cedar or pine. Sticking with non-clumping litter such as recycled paper or wood pellets is best.

It's important to provide your small pets with a safe and comfortable living environment; choosing the right bedding and litter is an important part. Be sure to research the best bedding options for your pet to ensure their well-being.

Your veterinary clinic Omaha, NE is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.


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