Chihuahuas are small dogs, but their brain size is almost proportional to their body size. Despite having a big brain, no evidence shows how Chihuahuas are more intelligent than other dog breeds because of it. Still, some people claim that their brain size is related to their cognitive capacity. 
Another unbelievable fact about Chihuahuas, especially females, is their litter count. The average litter of a female Chihuahua is about 4 to 5 only. However, there has been a report of 10 puppies from a tiny Chihuahua. Image how this number could fit in the body of a Chihuahua, considering her size. 

Before adopting a Chihuahua, you should learn to take care of one. It would be best to consider all factors affecting her condition while she’s with you. There’s no more turning back once she has stepped into your home.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your vet Omaha, NE.


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